2d offering teaching games

I can offer teaching games for any size, and I prefer correspondence games.
If you are at least 4d, I suppose that you can offer me a teaching game too. :smile:


How can I start a teaching game? How does it work?

If you want to start a teaching game with someone, you request for their agreement, and one will challenge the other.

I’d like a teaching game please. :slight_smile:

I am up for a teaching game too

Hi bynum :grinning:

I would love to have a correspondance teaching game, no handicap and inverted komi would be enjoyable :slight_smile:
Even if the result does not matter in a teaching game, obviously :slight_smile:


a teaching game sounds great, unfortunately im not 4d :expressionless:… so you will be doing the teaching :grinning:.

I would be happy for a teaching match :slight_smile:

Hi, I would also be up for a teaching game :wink:

Hello, I am a 23k (but I have started playing a week ago more or less!) so I really need someone to explain me opening moves and some very basic strategies… I would be really glad! :slight_smile:

Nikolorien, for that i can help if you want.
This propose me a challenge in correspondance, i’m azerwhites 11kyu

Hi, i’m up for a teaching game. I really need it, most of all in the middle game :slight_smile:

I need it badly. I am completely stuck.

Id like a teaching game too if you dont mind. Currently 13 kyu

I am 11 kyu and would appreciate a teaching game. Please challenge me if it’s ok with you.

I would also appreciate a teaching game if you are willing. Currently 14k.

hello :slight_smile: i would like to have a teaching game, i am 18 kyu and i really want to improve :slight_smile:

If you have time, I would also like a teaching game. I am 8k, I’m also available for teaching games for up to about 12k if they would like.

Hi bynum! I’m 2k and would be interested in a teaching game in which after your every move, you would tell me moves that you expect. I hope this will shed some light on what’s happening in a 2d player’s head :slight_smile:

Hi bynum!
I would be honored to get a teaching game :slight_smile: