3-4 Joseki Primer for Intermediate Players

I made a demo board with some modern 3-4 joseki. Someone asked me to make an overview of 3-4 joseki this morning, saying he avoided 3-4 because he didn’t know any 3-4 patterns. After putting some time into a primer, I figured it’s something other people might enjoy, too.

The joseki come from professional and Tygem 9d games played since April 30, 2016. No old patterns here!

This is also intended as a PRIMER. Certain patterns were intentionally omitted to keep the patterns approachable without sacrificing quality. It’s definitely not a dictionary. There are plenty of pattern searching databases for that.

Minimum level is about 15k, with SDK players getting the most bang for their buck, I think.


a fun refresher, I enjoyed reading through it!

I see you wisely side-stepped talking about nadare. XD that’d probably need an entire primer of its own.