About the Joseki category

How does this sub-forum work? What is the way that we are supposed to use it?

I noticed that the JosekiDictionary account has been set up to mirror comments from the joseki explorer into new threads created here. Is that the only way that threads should be started? Or can we directly start new threads here as well? I noticed that the name of the sub-forum has a little lock next to it, what does that mean?

Also, comments from the explorer get copied here, but comments made here in the forum do not get copied back into the explorer, so part of the conversation is partitioned off and missing from the main tool.

Note: it seems that @Eugene explained some of the motivation of this sub-forum in this post: https://forums.online-go.com/t/test-discussion-about-r14/22331/6?u=yebellz