Accept game bug?

After clicking this game, I was sent here, but I could’nt play an two other players were there. I clicked on the circle with the number but nothing happened. When i went to a different page and clicked the circle, it took me to this page. Is this a bug? Thanks in advance.


hey @anoek… it’s back :confused:


Doesn’t sound very good. :frowning:

Well, the circle is kinda annoying.

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it’s rare… if that makes you feel better? I thought it was gone but apparently not :stuck_out_tongue: in any case, only anoek can help you with this one, thus the tag :slight_smile:

it’s also harmless, really… all it does is mildly annoy you… there aren’t any permanent side-effects

it’s only 6am (and a Saturday to boot) local time for anoek so don’t expect a reply too soonish :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, easy solution.
Let it be.


This happens every once in a while, but not very often. (Would be surprised if it was in more than 1% of the games.)
Probably has to do with two players at the same time accepting a challenge.
The “loser” has to find a new challenge.


Seems like it’s fixed. Was it @anoek ? If it was, thank you. If it wasn’t, thank god.

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