Audio updates v2

Hello, after a few months of observing new players (or new to OGS players) on Twitch, I’ve got some feedback Re: the ticking noise.

Everyone seems to find the default ticking at 30 seconds to be stressful / obnoxious. Many of them don’t realise it’s an option they can change, as no other servers have the level of audio tweaking OGS has. They tend to suffer through it until someone in chat mentions the settings page.
Personally I turned off the ticking at 30 secs when the update came out, but now I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not good as a default option in general, and might be putting off new players.


Every time i open a correspondence game where i am in byo-yomi, i hear Claire saying “byo-yomi”

Could this be changed so that “byo-yomi” sound will only be played once when the game enters byo-yomi from the main time, but not every time i open the game in question?

sorry for bumping up a year old topic >___>