Brand new player looking for some teaching games

I’ve just started playing this week. I have watched some intro videos, played through beginner problems here on OGS and played about a dozen 9x9 games. I feel like I’ve got some ideas firming up, but want to bounce ideas and game analysis off of someone with more experience. Thanks

I’d advise you to make sure you’ve read/completed the following before you try teaching games:

The Interactive way to Go -

River Mountain Go, book 1 -

These two will make for a great introduction to the game and enable you to benefit more from teaching games (a bit like knowing the vocabulary for the chapter of a book before you read/discuss it). You will pick things up quicker and you’ll come up with better questions.

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Thank for the resources. I’ll start on these right away.

Once you’re done with these you can send me a challenge :slight_smile: (13x13 or 9x9 will be good as you are a beginner)