Correspondence tournament start dates

I’ve recently enrolled into a couple of tournaments (Mingren and Kuksu) and on the old OGS site there was a start date for these. Now there does not appear to be any indication as to when they are supposed to start and there is no information on the tournament information page either regarding start dates. How do you find out when they are supposed to start?
Thanks for any information about this.

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The next one coming up is Tianyuan on Oct 1st.

Kuksu may start in November… some of the other title tournaments are on hold due to technical issues with the old OGS implementation of the game system.

We’re also trying to figure out what to do with these tournaments overall… old OGS used to keep these tournaments open for up to a year at a time before starting… sometimes the tournaments themselves can run for years and there are major problems on them with attrition over the course of the tournament and people not showing up to play who originally had signed up for the tournaments.

Have you considered implementing a “check-in” mechanism to find out if the people who signed up ages ago are still interested in playing? For really long tournaments wherein some players may have finished months before the end of the round, you could ask them again just before the next round starts.

Yep, we’ve got some big tournament changes coming pretty soon.


Is there any plan to start the Tianyuan tournament soon?

Yes! I’ll be starting it this weekend.


Typical I missed it! Oh well fingers crossed the others start some time soonish :smile: