
Hello. I would like to know if correspondence games are ranked or not. Thank you

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They are ranked in the same way as live and blitz games: as long as you click the “ranked” checkbox when creating them, they are ranked.


Perhaps it should be added that ranked games are not always possible, for example if the rank difference is too big.


Also correspondence games have stupid time out rules that are difficult to explain that may result in your rank not changing or maybe it will. It has a lot to do with luck has has not yet been changed.

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Ooo - I think that’s a bit harsh :slight_smile:

Generally correspondence games behave just like the others.

There is a corner case of opponent timeout that can mess it up, and it is a shame this hasn’t been closed yet, for sure.


This is for anyone here. I was told that Iwas Not going to be ranked. It was just fun. So I did not pay too much attention. I became suspicious when I was ahead, and my opponent said he was leaving, then he returned soon enough and began to invade, a very different style. I resigned c/s he said that it was Not going to be ranked. His rank went up. This could be a tricky way for people to get a higher rank, and very stupid, b/c eventually his rank will come down. That is my opinion.

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You avoid this situation by checking the parameters of the game before it starts, or even when it has started but before you play a stone.

If you cancel the game before you play a stone, it is “annulled” - not ranked.

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I am new. 'll have to find the parameters to check on that. Thank you.

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When you receive a challenge, it will say “ranked” if it ranked, in the challenge dialog (if I recall correctly!)

When the game starts, you find the “parameters” in the top right under the “i”.


I have more questions related to correspondence. I see variations,on the side of the window. Can people go there and get help on where to play? And if so, it this fair? If this is the case should correspondence games be ranked? Thank you

I believe you’re talking about analysis mode. This can be turned off at the point of game creation, and many choose such a path for the same concerns you listed, but as it stands people are allowed to play ranked correspondence games with analysis mode turned on. (meaning they are able play test out various sequences invisibly on the side)

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In regards to you specifically mentioning help, I should clarify that while this visual aid to thought offers a lot of help, the use of computer engines and other people to tell you where to play is strictly against the sites TOS.
Although, for correspondence games, one is permitted to consult joseki dictionaries. Hope this helps :slight_smile: