Curious Rank Graph

I just finished a correspondence game that started before the update to v5 (unsurprisingly since that was yesterday :expressionless:). as a result my rank graph didnt change at all, while my opponent lost a bunch of points.
not that id shed a tear about the points, just wanna know if thats a normal thing to happen? i hope this isnt the first instance of a recurring problem.

Hi! You had your T flag activated (lost a recent correspondence game on timeout) just before that game ended. The server freezes your rank in those cases (even for wins).

thats unfortunate. i didnt really time out, it was one of the games that got lost during the update. but at least now i know the reason.


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Oh, gotcha. Do you want me to give you the rating points you should’ve won?

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Sure. Thank you for offering :slight_smile: . didnt think that was possible. Do you know exactly how much i should have won? is it just the same amout my opponent lost?

I guess this is also a good opportunity to bump my blitz and live ranks up to 9k so they dont lag behind so far, plus you wont be running an errand just for some measly points ;).

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Done. I think you’ll be good at 7k. Enjoy the site! :smiley:

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I hope youre right :sweat_smile:

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