Discussion about Q16,R14,pass,O16,O15

At position Q16,R14,pass,O16,O15, @Counting Zenist started the conversation:

R17 had been played many times in professional games as well, normally with white winning, and black responded with either R16 or N16 depend on the direction.

( FYI @aesalon )

@Counting Zenist said:

Waltheri's go pattern search - find position in pro games

( FYI @aesalon )

@Counting Zenist said:

And another white response is N16, and it looks not good for white, but the results from recorded professional games showed it is 50/50.

( FYI @aesalon )

@Counting Zenist said:

Waltheri's go pattern search - find position in pro games

( FYI @aesalon )

@Eugene the code that auto posts comments here in the forum doesn’t handle tagging names with spaces in them very well (spaces should be converted to _ within the forums), the tags above should all be @Counting_Zenist

@aesalon said:

Your search is narrow and includes a lot of pincer variations or with added white stones on the sides. It also branches so much that there aren’t variations that have more than 3 or maybe 4 games.

( FYI @aesalon )

Never realize that all the comments from joseki page will be auto posts on the forum as well.

This is a neat feature…

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@Counting Zenist said:

They are conditional I agree, and pro games tried these variations were mostly from recent years. They haven’t been well-explored I suppose.

( FYI @aesalon )