Download SGF file of OGS puzzles? (Or better ideas to study jouseki)

I am creating puzzle collections to study and review jouseki and I was wondering whether it would be possible to download the SGF files of the puzzles I create on OGS.

I find creating puzzles here to be a very effective way to quickly review the jouseki I learn, because deviating from the variations I added throws a convenient error message. What I am doing is: watch jouseki videos on YouTube, take detailed notes in my own SGF file, so I understand the meaning of moves and variations, and review them until I become fluent with the learned jouseki.

If you know better way to record and review new jouseki variations I’m all ears.


The best way to study Joseki is to actually use them in your games :smile:


“Learn your joseki, then forget it.” :smile: