Frequent connection problems on mobile phone "reestablished"

When using OGS on my mobile phone, I frequently see the rose block “Fehler beim Verbindungsaufbau mit dem Server! You won’t be able to play any game or receive any notifications until the connection can be reestablished!”

This happens when being on wifi and also on GSM.

The block disappears after a while. Everything done before the block appears is lost. After the block disappeared everything is normal.

I seems to me that the timeout for the background ajax calls is too short for mobile communication. Could that be?

Need to know what OS/Browser you are using.

Things are pretty well tested on Android and IOS browsers for recent versions of those operating systems. Note that this isn’t ajax but rather a websocket connection.

Samsung Note II, GT-N7100
Android 4.3
Standardbrowser “Internet”, which is from Google. Can’t find the version number. It is not Google Chrome.

What carrier are you on?

Telekom Deutschland (