How to name the "Short games" and "Long games" lists

Continuing the discussion from Please remove that ! for games without handicap about the naming of the “Short games” and “Long games” title texts:

Since the discussion in the other topic went far off topic, I would like to continue the discussion here.

The discussion is about those two strings on the play page:

to be more precise about the best German naming (if it should better be “Quick games” or “Fast games” instead of “Short Games”).

I think the naming scheme is ambiguous. One could think of a “Short Game” as a game which ends within a short time (e.g. within 30 mins) and a “Long Game” as a game which could last several hours.

Since the categories are about “Blitz/Live Games” and “Correspondence Games”, a naming scheme highlighting those aspects could be more beneficial.


Isn’t blitz already a German word? Isn’t it just short for blitzkrieg?

Whoa. This goes off topic really fast :wink:

Blitz is a German word meaning flash or lightning. Blitz as short form for Blitzkrieg (lightning war) is not used in Germany, it’s considered to be an English word when used in that context.

Like lightning, Blitz can refer to something quick when used as adjective or adverb.

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Sorry perhaps I was unclear or misunderstood. The post is regarding translating English terms to German, correct? And you’re looking for the best words to convey Blitz, Live, and Correspondence in German.
I understand Live and Correspondence needing translation, but can’t German use Blitz for gameplay as English do? Or are you saying it means something else when used properly in their language?

I was probably unclear.
What I wanted to propose is a general change from “Short Game” -> “Blitz/Live Games” and “Long Games” -> “Correspondence Games” for all languages.
To me short and long seems to be ambiguous, since short and long aren’t well-defined durations. One can easily think of long as taking more than 1 hour.

I’m simply not sure if “Blitz/Live Games” and “Correspondence Games” would be better. (and what the German equivalent for correspondence game would be if we would go for it)


I think we finally understand each other :rofl:

I agree 100% :+1:

Blitz / Live / Correspondence are industry standards that at least apply also to chess but I think also to other similar games. Short and Long, to me, seem more subjective and tricky to pin down on a specific meaning. As you say a 1 hour game could be considered long, normal, or fast, depending on whether you’re talking to someone who normally plays blitz, live, or correspondence respectively.

Germans must have a word for correspondence. How would a German person describe a conversation held between two people by mail over a long period of time? I would think they would have such a word.
To me Live seems trickier… but maybe it’s only a tricky word in English as live (time) and live (life) can be confused. This is probably less confusing in other languages as they would have their own unique words.


There is “Korrespondenz”.


For live, real-time could work as well.

Would this be understood intuitively as the communicative sense rather than a connection/correlation?

But isn’t Blitz also real-time? That’s the only confusion I immediately see as possible (though this is speaking as essentially an English only speaker)

Edit: although I guess if you had blitz and real-time next to each other the distinction would be clear.

I’ve thought about Echtzeit but that only really works with, say, StarCraft. It would be nice to say “rundenbasiert” for correspondence, but we quickly see that even real-time Go is “rundenbasiert”. :rofl:

I’d stick to Blitz/Live considering they’re the de-facto time controls.


I guess English to German is fairly easy since English stole a bunch of German in the first place and also English is (I assume) the second most common language in Germany anyway, so some cross level of understanding exists… the discussion might get more difficult in languages further removed from greater European roots.

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I doubt it’s the second most common language in Germany. However, it is probably the most common scholastic second language.

Wow interesting (sorry flovo again for the offtopic :stuck_out_tongue:) what would you suggest is a contender for common languages in Germany other than German and English? Are there regional dialects that I’m unaware of? I guess Austrian counts as its own language, huh? That must also be a common language I guess… (please forgive my ignorance, not trying to be rude just genuinely curious)

Turkish - about 2% of Germany’s population are Turks.

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Wow! Definitely didn’t know that! Thanks :slight_smile: #TMYK

I agree.
I think the only argument that splits the bunch in two is: correspondence (yes/no).
So I suggest to use just “Live games” and “Correspondence games”, since blitz games are nothing more than quick live games.

If, for some reason, the “blitz” argument needs to be stressed, I’d suggest to make three bars.


A separate section for live and blitz games would be useful.

Consistency of terms is a good idea. I would prefer “Blitz”, “Live” and “Correspondence” to replace “Short”, “Long” and “Normal” on buttons, game chart and game lists.

Some Deutsch for @BHydden:

“Blitz” is German for “lightning”.
We have compound words like …

  • “blitzschnell” (“schnell” = “quick”, “fast” —> very fast),
  • or, as you mentioned, “Blitzkrieg” (“Krieg” = “war” —> quick war).
  • We also say “Blitzspiel” (“Spiel” = game … you get it :slight_smile:).
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Thanks :slight_smile: oddly the tag didn’t go through for some reason… good thing I check every thread anyway :wink:

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