I am puzzled by exercise 050

I am puzzled by this exercise: Exercise 050.

After reading the solution , it seems one should end up with something like: https://boardgamegeek.com/image/6748287/slimy-asparagus.

However I don’t see how it benefits Black to have fought this battle. Although I can follow the logic of the first few moves, it seems to me the White stones are now live, and Black made sacrifices for no gain.

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It’s a ko fight. If black wins the ko, the corner survives with points. If white wins the ko, the corner dies


More precisely, after the move on the picture, the game may continue like this:

  • Black plays a ko threat elsewhere
  • White responds to the ko threat
  • Black plays S19
  • White plays a ko threat
  • Black ignores the ko threat and kills the corner.
  • White plays elsewhere.

I would imagine Black’s threat elsewhere has to be pretty damn strong.


Yes, this works if Black has big ko threat(s) elsewhere, for instance a move that threatens to kill a big group.


or bring an otherwise dead group back to life.


Thanks everyone. I get it now.

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Not really, black doesn’t have much to lose, so also a small ko threat that white ignores can be a slight gain for black.

Note: Black doesn’t lose any points by playing inside white’s territory, if white has to answer with moves on the inside too.