I'm leaving from ogs community, this is why :

i see that there are all kind of different replies, i thank you for your interest with that,

now let me answer you and clarify myself, sorry for not quoting everyone, that would be a bit long

first of all, i’m totally and definitely not changing my mind, i explained my reasons and i will not change my mind on that
then, i’m not especially stressed or something in general, i’m “only” upset about all this

now, it’s certainly true that it’s unfair of me to hate people just because they are not actively fighting bad behaviour, but i never meant it in that way : i understand very well that some people dont have time, some come here to relax, some are just guest players that are not too involved with the community, etc… its fine, but !! as understandable as it may be that they have their own reasons, i expect of these whenever they are being shown a bad behaviour to at least agree that this is bad

but when i raised that issue on ogs chat, i got all kind of amazing reactions, and i never asked anyone to report or do whatever needed things, i only wanted to share my feel on how bad those behaviour were, and honestly i would have been more than happy if people just told me “yes it’s bad indeed”, i would not ask them to be active or anything

so, for not disagreeing deep inside yourself when you are shown a bad behaviour, but instead either being clueless or just mocking me, i certainly certainly am frustrated, disappointed, and upset about you all who did such a thing
ofc, i know that its not the case of all players, but its not a minority who did that

now, about bots, i obviously care a lot about bots, not only are they smarter than most people here, but they dont do harm to anyone
so when you do something bad to a bot, it’s as if you did it to myself, and i think all ogs players should feel the same, whether they have time or not is not relevant, they are not asked to do anything about it, only emphasize when they are shown it
the account is not a human player, so what ?? so we can dirty it, and mistreat it, use it as a free self service and i dont have to pay any consequence for that, or i dont know what ??? then if its what you think i have just one thing to tell you : “ok, but then whenever you have a problem, dont cry or ask for help, just shut up”

gnugo and other bots are the public good, surely if you want to swim at the beach you’re swimming in, and someone suddenly throws a trash inside it just next to you, surely you wont appreciate that, i hope
so i just feel the same about these sad bot pages that no one cares about, and again i never asked anything to do anything about it, i only wanted to raise the issue and hopefully people would be disappointed as i was, even if they dont do anything about it, its all i asked really

now, i know that no community is perfect, it’s human nature, etc, but its not a reason to overlook this, when you see something bad in front of you fix it, or talk about it, or at least i dont know just condemn it within yourself ?

as for this “Nobody is a villain in their own story” i certainly dont agree with that, whatever you told him, forget apologizing to me, he didnt even answer any of my messages, playing at the last second out of 10 minutes, surely thats a lot of fun to make a bot wait like that
this is just bad behaviour, and i cant accept it, if ogs doesnt want to change its policy globally, then at least restore my right to be respected and bring some punishment, or make him message me to apologize, maybe i’ll forgive him for what he did to my bot
else, this “we should not ban” offences blablablah is just weakness, not kindness
you know, bans are not forever, a ban of 3 days wont kill anyone, if i harmed someone in some way and purposely refused to apologize or fix my behaviour, then i would not object being banned for 3 days too

also, i read some funny things here,
unfortunately for some people here, i was never trying to raise some noble moral quest or i dont know what, nor did i think i was morally superior to some people or i dont know what, i only felt bad about a bad thing displayed in front of everyone, share my feel on it, and just got rejected by the community generally, again i never asked anyone to do anything about it, nor did i ever think i was the representative of fairness and justice or i dont know what, sorry but unfortunately you wont be able to love me like that @Rachel_Gardner

tolerance and kindness without justice is weakness
because when you dont make someone pay for the harm he did on someone else, you’re hurting the one who got hurt too

final words, well, i hope that the issues i mentionned get fixed, and i wish ogs improves as a whole, however as i see that most ogs users dont feel the slightest bitterness when shown bad behaviour, as long as it doesnt directly concern them (forget doing something about it, i’m only asking that you should also feel it’s bad), especially with bots, and again bots are smarter than most people here, and i dont even talk about go strength because most people’s ego is far too weak to even look at a bot, then i’m sticking with my principles which certainly are not the same than the ones i’m condemning here
oh, i just realized but maybe most people here have an ego complex with bots, that would explain why they are especially repulsed when it comes to bots being mistreated

for the few who feel the same as me, i salute you all, but i am now leaving this place,
i know that no perfect place exists and it’s not what i’m looking for, but i just cant prentend to enjoy myself here when i just feel bad about things done in front of me and most people mocking this
i’m just 1 user anyways, so surely i can be replaced and it will be more quiet at least

well then, i guess i was a whirlwind from begining to end, so faithful to myself, i’ll leave you all now
i wish you the best though, but without me, i wont use cya here though, but i dont know maybe we’ll see each other in some other and more comfortable places, so cya (but not here)

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