The poster could be a lot more informative! Is it accessible to people in all time zones? What time commitment is expected (how many hours a week for playing/studying/lectures etc)? Is it suitable for DDK players? Is it suitable for dan level players?
The link gives more detailed information, and yet I agree with you. I read everything and stuff is pretty vague; like the time of the lectures (“we will find a common time” (oh, youre sure? What if not?)). In a side sentence e.g. it is mentioned that it is about the 9x9 board?! :x
Or is the name of the program ‘9x9’ … x.x
I won’t have time to participate this time but I already did and I highly recommend. Here are a few details on how we proceeded last time.
Players were divided into two groups. In my group, players were between 4k and 4d. I don’t know exactly for the other group, I remember they had many DDKs.
We had a game every week on a 19x19 board, with handicap -2 (for instance a game between a 2d and a 2k was played with 1 handicap stone). The time limit was 45 minutes + 3x30 seconds byoyomi. We arranged the game with our opponent.
The lesson consisted of a 20 minute lecture followed by game reviews: each league game was reviewed, and each lesson was recorded.
The time of the lessons was decided according to the participants’ preferences. In our league it was on Mondays 20:30 CEST but of course this will probably change. So it’s mostly suitable for Europeans but people in other timezones and who can’t attend the lessons have access to recordings anyway.
We communicated in English via Telegram and Discord.
Games were on OGS or KGS, according to the players’ choice. They were EGF rated (class D).
In addition we could practice tsumego. The best is that you find a list of problems without solution but if you don’t have any then they can help. You submit your attempts every day to the tsumego teacher who indicates which ones are correct, so that you can try again the ones you failed.
The teachers of our league were at least EGF 7d.
If you don’t have a lot of time you can just play your game and watch the recording of the lesson+your game review, this should take about 3 hours a week. If you have more time then you can study other league games, watch the recordings of the lesson several times, practice a lot of tsumego every day,… so I’d expect at least 1 hour/day on average (in addition to other go activities you may have).
Thank you very much jlt for the detailed description! And I hope you will also participate in the future again
To @xela and @Tschej I assume all your answers were answered by jlt post
It is suitable for players of any strength. Before the start, players are divided into groups of similar strength.
We always try to find a common time for all players from the group for the lecture. If it is not possible, there are always recordings from the lectures