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Mūnicipium māne cessī.
(I left town in the morning.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
mūnicipium noun acc. sg. town
māne adverb (early) in the morning
cessī verb cēdō p. fp. s. I left

In viā in boreān prīmus īvī.
(First I walked down the road, going north.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
in grammatical on
viā noun via abl. sg. (on the) road
boreān noun boreas acc. sg. north
prīmus adverb firstly
īvī verb p. fp. s. I went

Fluvius meus iter compescit.
(A river blocked my path.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
fluvius noun fluvius nom. sg. river
meus possessive meus fp. s. my
iter noun iter acc. sg. path
compescit verb compescō tp. sg. it blocked

Gateleiam dedī utī pontem trānsiī.
(I paid a toll to cross the bridge.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
gateleiam noun gateleia acc sg. toll
dedī verb p. fp. s. I paid
utī grammatical so that
pontem noun pōns acc. sg. bridge
trānsiī verb trānseō p. fp. s. I crossed

Ultrā fluvium, iter agrōs perdūctus sum.
(On the other side, a path led through some fields.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
ultrā preposition across
fluvium noun fluvius acc. sg. river
iter noun iter nom. sg. path
agrōs noun ager acc. pl. fields
perdūctus sum verb perdūctō p. fp. s. passive I was led

In merīdiem, sub lignum quiēvī.
(At noon, I rested under a tree.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
in grammatical during this time
merīdiem noun merīdiēs acc. sg. noon
sub preposition under
lignum noun lignum acc. sg. tree
quiēvī verb quiescō p. fp. s. I rested

Postmodo iter resūmpsī.
(A short while later I resumed my journey.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
postmodo grammatical (shortly) later
iter noun iter acc. sg. journey
resūmpsī verb resūmō p. fp. s. I resumed

Clīvum in ōram dēscendī.
(I descended a slope, going towards the coast.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
clīvum noun clīvus acc. sg. slope
in grammatical indicating direction
ōram noun ōra acc. sg. coast
dēscendī verb dēscendō p. fp. s. I descended

Meus dēstinātiō fuit mūnicipium parvum portūs.
(My destination was a small harbour town.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
meus possessive fp. s. my
dēstinātiō noun dēstinātiō nom. sg. destination
fuit copula sum tp. s. was
mūnicipium noun mūnicipium acc. sg. town
parvum adjective parvus m. s. small
portūs noun portus gen. sg. port

Fuit vesperum cum pervēnī, itaque in tabernam quiēvī.
(It was evening when I arrived, so I spent the night at an inn.)

Word Class Root Inflection Meaning
fuit noun sum p. fp. s. was
vesperum noun vesper acc. sg. evening
cum grammatical when
pervēnī verb pervēnīō p. fp. s. arrived
itaque grammatical so
in grammatical in
tabernam noun taberna acc. sg. inn
quiēvī verb quiescō p. fp. s. I slept

I T ’ S D O N E

This is the first time I’ve actually wept whilst trying to find the right version of “was”. Well played, Latin.