Levvo is offering game review requests! (1 dan, OGS teacher)

Hey there! =) …

I’m Levvo, a 1 dan teacher from OGS.

I figured I could take on a few games to review and the idea would be like this. You submit your OGS game here with a link, and I will make a review and post it as a reply. And I guess save all the reviews either on this post or somewhere else.

The criterias for getting your game reviewed is:

You should be between 3k and 15k in strength.
- If you’re weaker you would need a lesson instead, but if you have a good game you are free to post it and I can have a quick look and let you know if I will review it. If not, I will try to at least give you a comment or hint on what to maybe practice on or improve on. Stronger players are free to post games too but I doubt I will give you very much help. Other then my insight.

The game has to be a serious game with at least 30 min playtime for each player.
-I don’t want to waste my time reviewing your blitz games. And I want you to have used those 30 minute as well!

It’s preferably a game you lost
-There is no point in bragging about how you won a game.

I want you to have gone through the game yourself first and give me at least one key position of the game where you believe you ended up getting into a losing position.
-It’s important to first think about the game yourself before you are told the thoughts of the stronger player.

You can only submit ONE game for now.
-It will force you to decide on a good game. And also this is charity, I don’t have all the time in the world.

And we’ll see where this gets us. I can’t promise a quick review (though I will try to be as fast as I can). And if I get too many requests I might have to pause the intake until I have reviewed them all. I’m doing this to both improve my own thinking and skill as well as trying to give back to the go community that has given me so much. I hope to see some great games posted!

Best Wishes, Levvo



Bolded player is who the review is for.

Black Player /vs/ White Player
ThirdEye(14k) vs epso(12k): http://online-go.com/review/33283
Rikhon(9k) vs RheyDuce(13k): http://online-go.com/review/29130
Vicarios(17k) vs erzascarlett(14k): http://online-go.com/review/34557
flowing(14k) vs KoBa(13k): http://online-go.com/review/37026
Arcus(13k) vs homeless(8k): https://online-go.com/review/42406
Lorok(13k) vs bonamur(12k): https://online-go.com/review/48838

Teaching Games:

Teaching Reviews.
Understanding the moves you play! http://online-go.com/demo/34956
Teaching Games.
Levvo vs Basti-B(14k): http://online-go.com/review/36551
Commented teaching games by Levvo.
Jbrush(15k): http://online-go.com/review/30693


Levvo is one of the best teachers I have learned from. I can only suggest learning from him! :sunny:


Here’s one from me: http://online-go.com/game/875266 Thanks in advance!


Game reviewed! If you have futher questions or if there is something you don’t understand, please let me know!



ThirdEye(14k) vs 12k: http://online-go.com/review/33283

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Just for clarity, I quote from @Levvo’s opening post

[quote=“Levvo, post:1, topic:1925”]
It’s preferably a game you lost
-There is no point in bragging about how you won a game.

I want you to have gone through the game yourself first and give me at least one key position of the game where you believe you ended up getting into a losing position.
-It’s important to first think about the game yourself before you are told the thoughts of the stronger player.[/quote]


Hi Linux!
It is fairly recently played, but you did win with as much as 15p. What’s the reason for wanting this specific game reviewed, if I may ask? Seeing how you beat someone 2 stones stronger too in an even game.

(This is not me being a pessimistic ass. But I would like to review a game that will actually help you with something.)


Great stuff! I am tempted to get a teaching game even though I don’t qualify… :wink:

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If you do some reading you actually do qualify sortof! :smiley:

Thank you a lot for the review! I didn’t realize how the process goes, so I missed saying which was the point when I started losing, but oh, well, next time I’ll know!

I took a quick pass through it, because I’m at work, but when I get home I’ll check out in depth everything you’ve suggested. A revelation was the suggestion at move 25 with the common “triangle” shape that protects the cut! I’ll try using that more. And also the atari before protecting the cut so I could split white! I really wanted to split him there in the game, so I could attack, but didn’t manage to.

Anyways, thanks again. ^^

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Here a recent game that i reviewed.
Worked through it and would like your input :).
Think i found some mistakes by myself but would like to have more input :).

Thank you very much in advance!

I read through your review, gonna take some time to answer all the questions - But I’m on it! =)

// Levvo

cool :), looking forward to it.

Here we go, sorry for the delay. Had a busy week =) …

If you have any further questions please let me know!


Hey Levvo, thank you very much for the review!
Shows me a lot and i will try to implement and go back over it again :).
Great Job!

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I made a teaching review on a pro game about understanding the moves you are playing. Please check it out below!

Understanding the moves you play! http://online-go.com/demo/34956


Hey, @Levvo, this review is really great, thanks a lot!

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Levvo sensei \o/ … http://online-go.com/game/847886 my game with beverast ( champion of champions round 1 of go basics ) … i believe after 147 no move i have i misread or outplayed by him… can u please review this