Looking for a teacher? Dont search any further:)

Hey everyone! I’m pretty new on this server but if anyone looking for a teacher check out this link: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=875974&ty=h&alert=1 I think I will end up at 6dan at this server so anyone between 30kyu and 3dan feel free to write me an email mpepe66@gmail.com or just a send me a message here. I dont consider myself as a really strong player but I got a lot of experience in teaching from other servers and real life as well and taught dozens of players already(kids and adults as well) and right now I have like 10 active students or so and I’m looking forward to teach and help to improve as much players as its possible to enjoy this awesome game even more! :slight_smile:


hello sensei, can you teach me, i am 20K player, still new for the game, can you teach me everything, from fuseki, joseki, reading ability, how to calculate in middle game, how to attack and defend etc

btw, i am from indonesia i am usually log in at monday between 11pm-14pm, tuesday 22pm-24pm, saturday morning and sunday morning,how to find your username in this site? i am pretty new in go-online.com

Hey! Surely, would be my pleasure to teach you:) For more details contact me here:mpepe66@gmail.com or check out this site: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=875974&ty=h (btw,on the server,you can search players on the upper right corner with the “search” button. I’m playing as Thundergod here,feel free to leave a message!