Move indicator disappeared/broken

MIne too! it’s off by one as well, but at least its there :slight_smile:


Off by 3 right now. I feel like these aren’t connected to specific games but I’m not sure how to prove it.

I know that when I wrote post above playing a move in ggg111 game didn’t decrease the counter and right now it did.


Mine is off only by 1 now, and it’s a game I didn’t play my move yet.


Perhaps, I’m being a bit alarmist with my previous post. However, the sudden spike in reports on these forums suggests the possibility of a much higher actual incidence and warrants urgent further investigation. We may well be facing a public go emergency of international concern.

We must first firmly establish whether this bug is even being transmitted from player to player, or if each case originating some other way. Now that we’re all experts in epidemiology (:thinking: from various discussions over social media in the recent months), maybe we can apply that knowledge to evaluate the hypothesis of transmissibility.

Shared games are a potential vector, so let’s begin with contact tracing to see how those reporting the bug may be related.

  • I am currently playing games with @Gia and @Vsotvep.

  • I was playing a game with @teapoweredrobot, but that finished a couple of weeks ago, before this issue apparently emerged.

  • I am sharing demo boards with @teapoweredrobot and @S_Alexander for the Team Go games.

  • I do not seem to have any direct connection with the others reporting this bug.


I think our Saint Patron of Stones already made his miracle and made everything work again. There was a site notification for an update around the time of Indicator Revival.

However, since science has its own path, I concur that we need some game contact tracing.


Is everything working correctly for you again? The counter shows the correct count? If so, I’m glad to hear that you’ve recovered. These cases ending with a positive outcome gives hope to the rest of us.

My counter is still off by one. I hope that my case does not worsen.


I’d like to urge everyone to practice good Go hygiene. Please wash your hands before playing a move, make sure your computer’s ventilation is working properly, and take care to keep at least a 3-space jump between you and your opponent’s stones.


Maybe this was an asymptomatic case?

My counter is off by one, but I haven’t played my move yet, I think it will update when I do. Also, I’ll need to see about the rest of my games, it was my turn in about 40% of the population.


Disinfectant will have to do for live and blitz games, or we’ll time out.

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Given that we do not understand the exact mechanisms of how this bug may or may not transmit, I think the cautious stance would be to mandate complete Go distancing, that is, abstaining from playing games with others entirely.

Of course, such measures would come at an incredible social and competitive cost to this community, so I expect such a suggestion will be met with opposition and controversy.


Mine is off by 5 (including Gia)


I guess we’ll have to go the hard way and play IRL.


Correspondence games IRL? Tell me more.


My count is off by one too.
It’s a game against @_Sofiam.
If we have to worry about disease spreading around, she’s a very busy player and has a multitude of games and opponents! :wink:

Observed behaviour: said game is waiting for my move, it isn’t counted and it isn’t cycled with other games.
Last time I made my move, though, it was counted and cycled even if it wasn’t my turn.
Did anybody experience the same?


Yes, internet go servers are just too risky. We should all get on airplanes and play face-to-face.

I hear that there is some sort of non-electronic mail service (like email without the “E”), which quite cleverly avoids all of the problems of computer bugs.


@kingkaio I made my move and it’s back to you now, is it still stuck?

@Lys I didn’t see my games do that. I’ll keep an eye out for the rest.

@yebellz maybe a Go-themed cruise? Perfect for this time of the year.

(ignore the rest of the thread :wink:)


Oh sorry, i didn’t check, I moved before I came back to the forums…

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That’s the thing. I played all my moves and only 8 games left from you-know-what-tournament which I haven’t touched for more than a week. And the counter says 5 (and three(?) games from the tournament aren’t cycled through). But I haven’t touched them for more than a week. So it shouldn’t be them, it’s some other games. Some problem games decreased the counter just fine, it’s just they didn’t increase it when they should have and somehow kicked out good games from the cycle.


If it’s your opponents’ server problem, it doesn’t matter when they last played, it affected all their games, at least it did for me.

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But it looks like I am the only one experiencing a game cycled among the others when it isn’t my turn to move… isn’t it?