Multicolor go (3-way, 4-way)

It would be nice to create a version where 3 or 4 players can play together. I am not talking about pair go but a go where each player has a different color.

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As long as we’re talking about strange variants, Zen Go is something I’d like to try.

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Quantum Go:

An official One Colour Go implementation would be cool also.

I think there was a uservoice for this (adding go variants) somewhere. I’l look for it later.


So for Quantum Go, could I play a stone adjacent to my opponent’s entangled stone? If so, would both our stones collapse, or only theirs? What happens if one plays their entangled stones adjacent to eachother? Is that even allowed? It seems like it might end up devolving into normal go if that was allowed. I’ll probably think of more questions later.

Sometimes we play 3-4 color GO at our little club. The kids especially enjoy it. The rules are the same except weakest player goes first, then the next weakest and strongest last. It is a fun variant but does have limitations. Players can gang up on the last player especially. But at the cost of one player getting too strong. Also you have to play conservatively. But it is fun, and gives weaker players a chance. I have played where an opponent keeps attacking me, and the weakest player just makes slow gains of territory and they won! Great for ego of the weaker and younger players. There is a picture on here…

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I think that would be pretty fun on here! Great way to make new friends… :grinning:or enemies

If Quantum Go has the same entanglement and collapse rules as Quantum tic-tac-toe, then I think I can describe it as follows:

  • Players take turn placing pairs of entangled stones. Each point is still unoccupied.
  • Each pair has it’s move number marked
  • When there exists a closed loop of entanglement (e.g. A1 is entangled with K10, K10 with T19, T19 with A1) the person to move next choses which way to collapse the loop. In the example, that would be whether to collapse the A1-K10 entanglement to A1 or K10, in which case that point would become occupied with a real stone
  • The other pairs then collapse to the point not occupied
  • Any branches coming off the cycle also collapse to the point not occupied

We now need to add capturing rules, which I think probably would be

  • The entangled pairs that now collapse into real stones are placed on to the board in ascending move number order, i.e. smallest move number first. After each stone is placed, groups with no liberties can be removed from the board, and the points they occupy can be marked as empty.

There may be other ways of doing this though.

EDIT: Apparently the group that published the paper used a different set of rules. I’m still not done reading it though, just started.

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Oh; there’s a paper on it. :smiley:
I’ll read that.

I like their rules; I’d love that to be on OGS

Lol, too true. You have to have a thick skin playing GO, especially three color… And have fun. Rengos are also fun. Pairing up the stronger and weaker players together always makes for an interesting game. We played one the other day, and my partner did not read thru my killing variation. We would have captured some stones and had influence in the middle. Basically the game. But a misread caused our whole group to be lost. You sit there hoping your partner sees your plan— then ouch!

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