Need help to learn how to play

Can somebody teach me how to play

Hello @jasonatwar! Welcome to Go!

To get started, feel free to check out our OGS interactive tutorial ( ! :smile: It will walk you through the 101 basics of Go, as well as some fundamental skill sets. You can also enroll in tournaments and ladders, request teaching games from our users, and tackle interesting puzzles!

Good luck! :blush:

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Hello @jasonatwar,

Also the is site is very helpfull to learn the basiscs of Go. It is also an interactive coursz with 3.700 problems. After you finished this course you will be around 10 kyu.

Good luck


Yes, indeed! I’ve done about 3.500 of them, I think, and this experience in fighting and life & death gives me many advantages when it comes to fighting in real games.

Dank je wel for that site, @321goallardkoster, I’ve spent a LOT of time there and I recommend it often.

Met vriendelijke groeten uit Duitsland,

“The Interactive Way to Go” is an excellent resource for learning the basics

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