Custom boards

As a practical matter, I’ll quickly recommend that a custom board be somewhat close to middle-tone in lightness, so that both black and white show up well against it.


How would I upload an image to use for this/what site would work if I wanted to upload something for this?


Just post the photo link here and someone will help you (not me as I don’t really know how to do it


You can use for example:
For “private” images you do not need an account, just click hidden when the upload is done. Then remember to right-click the image and chose “copy image link” (or something similar) and paste that to the field :slight_smile:


And now I realized you can actually just upload them here at the forums :smiley: would work just as well.


Hello. I know we have custom boards now, and perhaps we’ll get custom stones in the future.

But how many other people know that?

I suggest to make an ad with examples and small explanation about how to set it up so we can post it in go groups.


Isn’t it the object of this topic itself?

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I guess it’s plausible that there are players that only play and chat on the main site that don’t use the forum. Maybe they only come here if they have an issue or want a review etc.

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Sorry I didn’t get that, an ad for the main site. Nice idea then, although the editing available are much more restricted as in the forum.

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Yeah, I’ll consider it once all the functionality is there, as it’s a feature just for fun and nothing really cruicial therevis probably no rush to advertise :slight_smile: and then again when stones are added

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I guess when S_Alexander mentioned go groups,

I just presumed it had something to do with the main site.

I guess I was imagining something like editing this wiki

Home · online-go/ Wiki · GitHub

with a customisation page (examples of the customisations available and maybe link to the relevant forum posts), and then you probably only need to link it once, but check back again when it’s been updated with future updates @AdamR.

Instead of deleting comments from the other thread (Board backgrounds library), maybe it would make more sense to just move them here. The discussion contained in those posts could still be useful, even though they do not contain images.

I think that completely deleting something should only be reserved for more serious issues of abuse (like spam or harassment), and not applied to merely “off-topic” chat. Is it possible to restore those comments (and move them to this thread)?


Didn’t know this forum existed til now.
Now I realise the other is just a gallery, I could go back and tidy up some previous posts.
I’m also thinking of uploading a range of boards optimised for different resolutions.
I think that forum is as good a place for a repository as anywhere.

Fair enough. When you do have all the customisation options sorted, as well as a small library of images, a mini launch/ notification to the general community might be nice.


I’ve uploaded some boards to that forum that I have since deleted any reference to. Some of them were fairly large. They are still taking up space on your servers. Is that an issue?

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In his defense @AdamR opened this Board backgrounds library and made it very clear how he wanted to organize. It’s no surprise for the deleted comments and there is still a place to make them again. And then it can be complex to link the deleted post from one thread to another.

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In the forum " Board backgrounds library", could you please make the link to this forum a little more prominent? It’s absolutely tiny, and easily overlooked.

Also it just refers to this forum as being a tutorial. Perhaps a quick edit for clarity?
I would suggest the following:

Board background library

Welcome to the Board Backgrounds Library! A place for you to find some awesome looking boards to enhance your OGS experience still further! This forum is intended solely for use as a library/repository for images to be used as boards. Any queries, requests, discussion or general chit-chat about boards should be conducted in the New boards forum. Any off-topic posts may be deleted.

General guidelines:

  • Please be selective about what you upload and only post boards you think people might actually want to play on.
  • You may post an image of the board with stones on for illustrative purposes, but please be sure to also post a ‘naked’ board too, so that others may use it.
  • The images of your boards may be fairly large, but please display them in your posts as thumbnails.
Here's how.

Mouse-over your image in the preview window and select 50%

(Users can always click the thumbnail to see the full sized version)

  • Beneath the image should be a link displayed in a code field to make it easy for the user to paste into the custom board dialogue.
Here's how.

After uploading your image, right click on it in the preview pane and select “Copy image location”. Paste this link into your post, select it and click the </> button.

Thanks for keeping this library clean and happy boarding!


Now I’d like to play more on OGS because of this lovely feature!


I love how tengen is perfectly centered on that bright spot.


It is indeed possible to restore comments. However the absolute majority of the deleted comments were simple things along the lines “I like that image/I thought about something similar” and such, which I believed served their purpose and were in no need of archivation (and would also make no sense outside of their context).

The only relevant comment I have quoted bellow.


as a food for thought and possible brainstorming, I am hoping to revisit the code in two or three weeks, custom stones is the main idea, and if I find a good way, perhaps a better solution for blind and one-color go - although it would still be a bit of a compromise before it gets implemented as a full fledged backend feature… Any other ideas?

I was further thinking:

  • currently if the images have non-square proportions, they align by their upper left corner. Would center of the image make more sense? I don’t want to make it an option as it seems like too minor a detail to clutter the interface with, so which is more probably usefull?
  • would it be worth it to try and build a larger default “library” of some CC0 images instead of the current 5 textures and some flat defaults? Or is it again just a clutter and custom upload is enough?
  • anything else comes to mind?

I think perhaps using tabs would keep clutter minimal. A tab of the existing textures, a tab for the colour picker (which currently adds a little clutter), a tab to paste a URL and a tab of the top ten CC0?