OGS game page opened black (vs. blank)

OS X 10.9.5, Chrome 56.0.2924.87
URL, probably irrelevant, was https://online-go.com/game/7999048.
Oh, I use the night theme. Maybe it was blank after all? Maybe that’s new information? You decide, I wouldn’t want to post it in the wrong place. Got all of the dev console text captured.

[Oh, one other thing. somehow I opened a forum page in the same window (actually, I think it might already have been open in a separate tab and I merely selected it) and it opened black . I copied out the URL for both pages and opened them in a new window and both opened as expected.]

Interesting, thanks for the debug output.

The black vs white is just the theme you set (we look for the theme and apply the basic black vs white before we load anything to help minimize flashing)

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