Puzzle moderators

I get super annoyed when solving a puzzle and it doesn’t have all the variations or it contains errors.
I could use the puzzle feedback but it might be in vain since it’s a single person who has created the puzzle possible years ago and could no longer be playing go for all I know.
I suggest that you create puzzle moderators. They would have their own (closed) group and all members of that group could edit any puzzle that OGS has. Not all of the puzzle moderator would need to be dan players. Everybody should just remember to be extremely cautious when editing a puzzle that they don’t truly understand.
The “News” section in the puzzle moderator group page would automagically contain the latest puzzle feedbacks. Then any member of the group could click on the feedback and fix the problem and delete the feedback.


Since this would basically wikify the problems of problem owners, I suggest that it should be a choice to wikify them (and your choice as a puzzle solver to only look at wikified problems).

For example, someone might create a problem set to practise a particular technique and it would be obvious from context why only one branch is relevant for this technique. A moderator who just gets a single problem in the news feed would lack this context.


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