Rating increases and decreases

Im not sure if I understand how things area rated. If I win two of three games, shouldn’t my rating go up? Here are the last three game reports. The only reason I bring this up is because I had ranking problems earlier this year. Thanks!

2015-12-10 9x9 Tournament Game: Correspondence 9x9 RoundRobin 2015-11-24 01:00 (12716) R:1 (LostStone vs librisscientiam) librisscientiam (17k) LostStone (17k) W+5.5, ranked
2015-12-10 9x9 Tournament Game: Correspondence 9x9 RoundRobin 2015-11-24 01:00 (12716) R:1 (LostStone vs thebbb) thebbb (8k) LostStone (17k) W+Timeout, ranked
2015-12-10 13x13 Tournament Game: Oza Treizes Title Tournament 2016 (9743) R:1 (LostStone vs Gannicus) Gannicus (14k) LostStone (17k) B+Timeout, ranked

“thebbb” has a (t) next to his rank, which means that he hasn’t played enough games for his rank to be confirmed, and thus wins/losses against him won’t affect the rank of his opponent.

As to the rest, the length of time varies. if you look in your profile, there’s a bar beneath your rank, the fuller that bar, the closer you are to the next rank. Depending on how far back your bar started, and the ranks of opponents you beat, it can take a few wins before your rank changes.

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t next to a players rank means they are timeout provisional… the effect is the same, you won’t receive any increase or decrease in rating points by playing that player.

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That’s good to know…