Review Request - 11K

I think I played well. I looked for big points and kept my groups safe, but I still came up short. I have been trying to work on my direction of play.

Any comments would be appreciated. Thank you.

I have a silent policy not to review bot games,… and I see you’ve played GnuGo a lot. That’s probably your mistake. Develops bad habits, et cetera. Put up a hard-fought win or loss of yours against a human opponent and I’ll review it for you.

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Your opening was excellent. Your middle game looks aimless, however. You defend your own weaknesses a lot but almost never attack opponent weaknesses, even when you have more stones and more liberties and can possibly kill outright. If you’re a reader, I recommend “Attack and Defense” by James Davies, the fifth book of the Elementary Go series (Amazon / Kiseido). It totally changed how I thought about the middle game, and you’re at the level where you can benefit most from what it teaches.

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If you are interested in reading any books, The Learn to Play Go series by Janice Kim is one I would recommend. Based on what others have already said about the game it seems you would benefit from reading the chapters about invasions and reductions and how to attack your opponent.

Thank you so much for that very detailed review, @mark5000. I love reading go books so Attack and Defense will be my next one for sure.

Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.

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