Review request 12k vs 11k


I played this game and I would like some insight on it.

There are a few points that I think I did wrong:

  • I think move 20 should have been c6 (or near that). Black lives small in the corner and I think I would be able to seal him in while gaining influence. Am I correct?

  • Move 62 (possibly even before), I should play k5 to stabilize the k3 stone and build more actively. However, my thoughts behind n17 was to build in the corner. I guess it was less urgent after h3 by black (and the result of it). Is that correct?

  • Move 78. I think I should have played g7, again to seal black (instead of trying to kill him)

Any other thoughts?


No one has anything to say about that game?

Yes, at 21, I think C5 would be better. Black is playing endgame. Let him have the corner and take the outside. When you responded to his move in the corner, he got it for free.

At 35 I think you should play K4 to get a good extension from your wall. Black’s corner group was already alive, so B11 is too slow. Black could have taken K4 himself and then your wall would be less effective.

47 was okay, but playing at Q13 to deny black good shape would be even better.

I agree that 61 is nice timing to reinforce with K5. Extending on the top is good too, but your extension was timid. You have a strong position, so you can go further, like L16. You don’t need to fear an invasion because the fight will be in your favor.

At 65 you can defend the cut indirectly at E4 which puts more pressure on black.

Yes, around 77 I think G7 and then connecting with K7 would be okay. As you continued to push black against your stones there were too many weaknesses, like the cut at K6, D3 and the cut at D11. So after black swallowed M7 it looks very hard for white to win.

Hi DuPouletJeudi,

Just a few observations…

Move 40 making the tiger’s mouth was a bit slow, the F15 stone doesn’t do much, no need to save it. It would be a good opportunity to make the K5 jump.

Should try to make a two space extension from the R10 stone, the R8 pincer and P10 jump exchange was huge for black.

The H3 stone is really hard to attack, should just cover it at H4 and build the outside