Review Request 4d OGS/ 6d Tygem

Game inside with some comments.

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After looking at this game again, I feel like k17 is better at m17. When black comes into the corner after m17, I should block r16 instead of q17. Also I should cut at q12 instead of r5, defend by attacking.

Okay UMMM at C15 should be at C14 it is better because of sente and you are trying to take the top of the board so you do not need to play C15 because C14 is enough to take top so you can play C14 to take the sente move which might have been better spent at P13 I think :)! The rest is a bit difficult to talk about becauseā€¦ he got all 4 corners and he got sente to reduce your center after you played C15 so he got to be really strong on the bottom before you could do anything even though a lot of his moves were very passiveā€¦ :frowning: but I think the opening for you was just too slow in this game and after that you had to reduce his bottom to actually win but you kept defending and he kept defending his own passively as well you should try to be a little more aggressive and fight more ^^! But, I am not saying just drop your style you have a good style you just need to learn to fight a little so no one can push you over so easy yeah?