Review request (again, I know 🤷‍♀️ )

Just in my defense (not that I can’t be that dense, I wasn’t in this particular case :stuck_out_tongue: ), I knew the ladder wouldn’t work because I was missing one stone. I was trying to see how it could go, exploring possible reactions.

Could you give some more details? I didn’t think I was attacking, so now I’m confused. I get the jist of what @txwolf says, but I can’t put it on the board. :frowning_face:

Is this a typo? I think D18 is taken.

LOL that was the misclick! It was a glitch or something, I wasn’t even ready to choose a move, I was just hovering and thinking, so I panicked a bit after that. (To answer @Lys 's question, I did click undo, but more in a knee-jerk way, not actually asking or expecting. My opponent played after that almost immediately, either didn’t see it or didn’t grand it, but it didn’t really matter to me.)

I found this

Are we talking about this? I’ll read that up later.

That’s a new concept for me…

I think this whole move comment is too advanced for me. :crying_cat_face: What ko threat did I lose?..

I am now. :woman_shrugging: For some reason I got afraid that my whole group there would die, I wasn’t necessarily going for the stone, more trying to crawl out.

The huge error I realized one second too late was playing away after M15. The moment I played H12 I saw it.

In the M8 exchange, I had a rough idea that I could save the thing, so I wasn’t too worried.

However, AI says the move that lost me the game was actually L5, and the funny/ sad thing is I was contemplating which side of the black stones I should play, completely missing the fact that those stones needed saving.

Fun fact, after I passed and my opponent played at D2, I actually stood up and walked around the room thinking in my head what was the killing move. I knew it was in there and I wanted that corner, dammit. It took me I think about 5 minutes walking up and down until I was sure in my mind that the thing couldn’t live.
(not that I won’t die in the future in a similar situation, I’m still me)