Tsumego Classic, 1000 Chinese Problems

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For 5kyu and above? Someone with more experience please jump in but I felt this post needed a bit more info to be useful.

Yup, the reddit thread is a bit all over the place. The best review I’ve seen is at https://senseis.xmp.net/?WeiqiLifeAndDeath1000Problems

I have to agree with the reviewer that it is 1k-3d but 5k-2k can solve many of the 1 star problems. I solved it as 2-3k@KGS player and definitely 30% of the book was out of reach for me BUT by going through the hard problems I believe I still learned a ton.

Personally I’m a big fan of the book. Before moving to the second part of the book I just went through the first part 2-3 times.

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