Understanding game history table in user profile page

Hi everyone,

This might be a silly question but I can’t find the answer… In the “Game history” table that appears under a user’s profile page, what does the “rank value” next to the stone mean (see picture below)? I would expect this could be the rank of the player when that game started, but it does not seem to match what I see in my profile (and some rank values are super high!). Also what does the “HC” column stand for. I thought maybe handicap, but this does not seem to be the case. Can anyone help with that? Maybe the answers could be added to this section of the documentation.


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Correct. The reason it does not match the rank you see in your profile is because the rank displayed in the profile is capped at 25k, but your actual rank (as tracked by the system) is instead around 32k.

It is the case. This game was played with a lvl 1 handicap, which in practice meant a lower komi for white.


I understand it now, thanks @qnpnpmqppnp!

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