Upgrade to OGS Ranking System

That was in the other topic. I don’t think brining that fuss here will be fun for anyone either

Well played cal, well played… You had me for a second. :stuck_out_tongue:



Why would a profile page crash a browser?


I saw that disclaimer on someone’s profile page and was puzzled.

Non-serious responses are always welcome, as well.

= )

In all seriousness, if you have a slightly older computer and a profile page hasa lot of games (the one generally referenced has 300+) then it can cause a browser crash. Switching to list mode instead of thumbnail mode for game display stops it from what i understand.

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many thx

mystery solved

“Who does this?”.
Electrical engineers do this. In this very moment, I’m calculating some stuff concerning a spherical capacitor (with losses), and I’m dealing with expressions containing R (resistance) as well as r (radius).


Ok, I suppose they know what they’re doing, but I still think it’s bad practice even if it’s the standard in some areas.

So there.

It’s been a week, and this still isn’t implemented. I’ve been afraid to play live games because I don’t want it to negatively impact my rank under the new system if I lose. I’m going back to KGS where I know I can increase my rank to better reflect my ability by simply not playing Go at all for a few months.


I always love it when that happens on KGS. I also enjoy the serial escapers who do not get punished until they have escaped at least 10 times.




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