Video: Two great Dinerchtein moves by WeiqiTV Eng Voice Over

Video: Two great Dinerchtein moves by WeiqiTV Eng Voice Over


Should I be learning the joseki in the lower right? The 2-2 point one? :slight_smile: What joseki is that? At first glance it looked like a 3-4 joseki, but now it looks like it may have gone something like 5-4 point, invade one space jump at the 3-4, keima towards the left, attach under 5-4 stone, hane, draw back, connect the hane, tenuki. Is that close to what happened?

That’s exactly what happened. The 5-4 and 5-3 joseki are dual to the 3-4 by an initial tenuki, and the knight’s move ‘enclosure’ around a 3-4 invader is a classic 5-4 joseki that is known for its tenuki variations. Basically the group inside the enclosure sucks pretty badly even with a gote expansion, but dies relatively slowly, so White often plays tenuki, sometimes 2 times. When Black continues fencing in the corner so that there’s a move count of +2 invested by the Black side, and there’s still ko, this is pretty acceptable to White who has probably been using the 2 (net) tenuki moves to busily reduce the impact of Black’s strong position.