Would someone review my first tournament game? (double digit kyu)

I’m about 18-20kyu and I’ve been to the beautiful city of Straßburg in France and played my first go tournament. There was a game against a 12kyu that I lost and would love to know what my mistakes were.

Would someone like to review the game with me? I have the sfg file.

If you are genuinely interested in a good review, here is what you can do:

  1. Upload the game to OGS. You can do this in “My Library”, accessible from the OGS menu in the top left.
  2. Put a link to the game in your post.
  3. You can even open your own review and write down your own thoughts about the game, including some burning questions that you have.
  4. You do this to point the reviewer to those points in the game where you are uncertain and to tell them something about your plans. Do not attempt to justify yourself, e.g. “I really wanted to invade here, even though I know it’s bad, but I was feeling creative.”. Leave the judgement to the reviewer.

By doing these things, you lower the barrier for reviewing your game to a few clicks, which makes it easier for us to get motivated. The review will be accessible for others to read and learn from. By writing your own annotations first, you demonstrate willingness to invest time in your game and learn from it. For the reviewer, this means that their time investment is also more likely to be appreciated and effective. :slight_smile:

Another site where you can upload your games is www.GoKibitz.com.

Good luck!

EDIT: I just noticed that you seem to be asking for a live review. That’s also fine. It is still helpful if you have the game uploaded and your own annotations to go with it. Try asking in the chat for someone to review it => more likely that you both have time.


I can. Please upload it

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Thank you very much in advance :slight_smile: I have followed Animirals kind suggestions and started my own review in which I added some comments:

Review: https://online-go.com/review/153654
Game: https://online-go.com/game/5331217

My timezone is UTC+2 (germany).

Dear @pascal91,

I reviewed your game here: https://online-go.com/review/154906

If you have any follow-up questions, feel free to ask!

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Hey @Animiral,

I cannot express in words how much I like your review, you really made my day! :slight_smile: Thank you so much for your effort, it all reads very nicely. I just started to look through the variations and have already learnt a lot. I will continue to study this and come back If I have follow-up questions. Go not only is a surprisingly nice game, the community around it impresses me even more. I keep meeting so many nice people in my area and online.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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