The USA is hardly only interesting/important in terms of foreign policy though.
It is the international “trend-setter” as far as “the West” goes, in terms of a lot of cultural and technological things.
The USA - not only the government, but also organisations, interest groups and individuals - funds or sustains (monetarily or ideologically) quite a few things that happen in many places in the world.
And it is out in the open, this is no conspiracy by the way.
Things vary from “small shows” like this:
North American conservative YouTube pundits Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone are also supposed to go on their sea mission, but no mainstream news outlets will be on board.
To raise money for the operation, the Identitarians launched a website in May and have gathered some $170,000, enough to rent the 40-metre (yard) C-Star, which has been repeatedly delayed on its trip from its home port of Djibouti.
To more important organisations like this:
The NRA’s tax records show its involvement abroad, expanding to a longer list of regions from the Middle East and Asia to Europe and sub-saharan Africa.
To outright funding a certain agenda globally:
(Disclaimer: To avoid distractions from the main point I want to make clear that I offer no opinion on those - they are just simple examples.)
Again this is nothing new.
First step of influencing and appropriating an area is exporting your culture. Expanding your influence.
It is called grand/high strategy and it is ancient. The Persians did it, the Atheneans did it, Alexander the Great did it, the Romans, the Byzantines (you might remember my post about how the Byzantines affected the area so much that reverbiations of what happened almost a thousand years ago can be found in the current war in Ukraine), the Church, the Arabs, the Conquistadors, the British and so forth.
Social politics are also a significant cultural issue since the americans understand this grand strategy and that exporting their “way of life” is the first step to a lot of other beneficial diplomatic steps/gains.
I do not remember who said it, but I liked the quote that “the first troops on the ground are always Coca-cola, McDonalds and Hollywood”… 
The USA exports products, music, movies and, let’s face it: LIFESTYLE.
And not only the entertainment kind of lifestyle, but the “real life” educational kind too.
For example:
Where do the standards of psychological assessment come from? The American Psychology Association.
Where do most of the “modern pedagogy theories” come from? You guessed it!
And who is governing the USA matters a lot.
Case in point? Our “free thinking” Prime minister.
When Biden was in power he was harping on about the “tyranny of the majority” and was so much in favor of Diversity and gender studies and what-not, despite being the leader of a very conservative right-wing party (which didn’t like all that at all and many balked at voting for such things).
Trump got elected? Almost the very next day he was suddenly talking about “two genders” and the “tyranny of the minority”. (a quick video proof - half of it is in English)
To be clear, again, I take/express no position on that (in case someone wants to argue on it), but I present it as an example on how the USA sets the direction of the social and cultural compass way outside their physical borders.
In that regard, I’d say that the news only caring and presenting you things that “affect the foreign policy of the US” is very slack (to use a Go term) to the point of incompetence (which is unsurprising for modern news).
It is like a whole new building being built besides your house and not noticing it at all, until it is 99% ready and you finally notice that your view is gone and your garden is now in permanent shade.