A Plethora of Bugs (July '14 Edition)

Disclaimer: I am not involved in the development of this site. My opinions do not in any way represent those of the developers/maintainers.

Sounds like a human-rights violation.

As far as I understand the situation, this site has exactly two developers, namely anoek and matburt. Both of them have a day job and work tirelessly on improving OGS in their free time without remuneration. As long as I have been visiting the forums, I have never heard either one of them complain about user feedback. They have a long list of bugs and feature requests which they prioritize and address as quickly as possible.

And bemoaning grumpy users with an entitlement attitude is mine. :wink:

When the site transitioned to version 4.0, users came in droves and complained about how everything was broken and they hated everything about the new site design. I watched in amazement as the developers took all of the criticism in stride, and even responded with kind words to people who were being downright rude. So I can say fairly confidently that yes, you and your feedback matter to the developers.

My point was simply that there are more efficient (and kind) ways of addressing issues than posting a huge list (with a snarky title) of all of the things that (in your opinion) are wrong with the site. In most cases, using a separate forum topic for each bug report is preferred because it encourages more community involvement. It gives other users the chance to jump in and say “I’m having this issue too. I am using browser ABC and I see the issue after performing XYZ.”

With all that said, I actually agree with a lot of your requests, just maybe not with their urgency. So let’s talk about them.

There are arguments both ways. I use OGS on multiple devices, but I prefer having device-specific settings. For example, I like sound on my desktop so that I can hear when another player makes a move in a minimized window, but I don’t want sound or goban labels on my phone. It would be “hugely problematic” for me to have to change settings each time I switch devices.

However, I agree that it would be really nice to choose which settings are local and which are global. anoek is aware of this desire but has said that it is lower on the priority list until he gets some more urgent bugs out of the way:

I play with no coordinates on both my phone and tablet, and it is a very viable option. I think the goal is to make the board and pieces as large as possible to maximize the use of screen real estate. Adding more of a border would only make it harder for me to tap the correct location on my phone. I also refute the claim that stones are getting clipped. Feel free to post a screen shot if there is a corner case where this happens.

This sounds like a bug. I recommend opening a new forum topic to treat this issue.

I don’t think that Chrome notifications ever disappear on their own. When I receive notifications from other websites, I also have to dismiss them manually. For example, reading an email does not dismiss the “new message” notification for me. I’m not sure what the intended behavior of the notifications is, and have been confused by them before. I have opened the following thread to ask more about it:

Since there are almost never more than 10 open challenges at a time, this has never caused a problem for me. In fact, I like being able to see the challenges that I can’t accept because it gives me a feel for the current activity level on the site. Having the ability to hide these games, or the entire list, is a reasonable feature request though.

I have never had trouble telling them apart, but regardless I don’t understand how this is a problem unless you don’t know where your mouse cursor is…

I have never seen this issue and have used the site very heavily in the exact way you describe, with multiple tabs and minimizing. I just tried a bunch of random tab switches and minimize/restore cycles and could not reproduce. Maybe you should open a new thread and see if others have had the issue and can contribute ideas of how they got to that state. Otherwise the developers will have a tough time tracking it down.

This is a known issue, and is on the todo list. You already voiced your opinion on the topic. Complaining about it again here does not help fix it any faster: Fine-tuned sound preferences

“I want it nowwwwwwwww!” (see above)

A reasonable request, but hardly urgent. I have yet to encounter an offensive avatar on this site, so if there is a problem, it is not at all widespread. In the meantime, if a user has an inappropriate avatar, you should notify a moderator.

Great idea! (still not urgent)

A reasonable request, but not one that I would want personally. For me the blue notification that says “Game has ended” is sufficient to be able to visit the finished game.