a) Your pie looks normal. Actually, I think that it is better than mine at 2k. So, you do not need to feel any urge/pressure to “improve the pie” to improve in the game or in ranking. It doesn’t work that way.
b) You have more ranked games in two months than I do in 8 years, so that’s also good.
c) Do not hurry or worry about ranking, just focus on having fun
d) If you want to improve by playing, challenging better players is a good strategy, but you need to look back and review the game, instead of diving immediately in the next one. Unless you look back - even for 10 minutes - to locate your mistakes, then you are bound to repeat them in the next game.
I will second all the other suggestions and say that studying/reading a bit on the game in order to become better and enjoy more of the game’s nuances, might be a good idea. You can have a look at some suggestions in this recent topic:
Good luck and have fun