Black hole Joseki

You can generate your own corner sequence collection with any move that you like
just play 5-7 point in all 4 corners, then

you can do it with each corner separately and receive 4 bot moves after each game
your collection will grow fast and it would be even more useful than professional joseki because instead it would include opponents that you really play against - OGS players

2-10 maybe is not effective enough. But any strange move that is close enough to corner may really confuse not professional human.
And if you will train a lot with using a bot, you may start to use it in most games more efficiently than standard fuseki.

I’m going to explore 5-6 next.
Some may say that its sandbagging, but its not true. I didn’t play normally for very long time. So if I will use normal fuseki, then I will play much worse - I forgot how to use it.