Book Club. Tesuji by James Davies, Chapter 4. Ko

Jigo, no result, and both players lose are three distinct outcomes that can only occur in different situations.

  • Jigo means that a game has ended with scoring and the outcome is that the players are tied in points, which can only happen with integer komi.
  • No result occurs if the game winds up stuck in a loop (and the players agree to end the game as no result, rather than one of them breaking the loop). See Odd Cases 🤔 in the Japanese Rules - #14 by yebellz (and subsequent posts) for further discussion.
  • Both players lose occurs if both players have passed and then they discover that there exists an “effective move”, i.e., an unsettled situation where the next player to move would win the game. See Odd Cases 🤔 in the Japanese Rules - #2 by yebellz for further discussion.

Jigo and no result should not be conflated. With a jigo, one can view that sort of outcome as a tie. However, no result should not be viewed as a tie, but rather that a result has not yet been determined and the game should be restarted from an empty board in order to determine a result, if needed.

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