Buddy system for absolute beginners?

Maybe the current options names should be improved:

“New to Go” is pretty clear.

“Basic” I guess is clear enough, because if you’re a step above new, you kind of know what that is.

“Intermediate” I think is very problematic, because I think you would have to be very experienced with Go to know if you qualify as intermediate over basic. Not only do you need experience with Go, you need to have played a bunch of other people, either in person or on another server.

If you just played a 25k bot on your phone for several months and you’re consistently winning, how can one evaluate if you’re still basic or now intermediate?

Probably if you should be the basic category but pick intermediate, it’s not that problematic, except maybe the very low ends of basic, where you might not be 100% on rules or etiquette (things that an experienced player might report you for say).

If we had some data, one could review if the problem is just a small subset of people that encounter misranked users frequently or if it’s a bigger issue confusing new accounts.