Can I use API to create and play custom games

Right the longer the ID is the harder it is to guess the right one.

Here is another update on the project. Placing physical stones on the circuit successfully register moves on the demo board! The video talks about the setup and a bit about what needs to be fixed still.


I got the basic feature to work:

Link to video

Right now only a 3 by 3 corner is working because of my lack of soldering skills. Will find a way to speed the process up and finish this entire 13 by 13 board, hopefully.


9 by 9 matrix is working now. Going to expand the same to the entire board soon. Also will look into reed switches and using magnet so I don’t need to poke holes on the board XD


Really cool! How does it work? I see the tinfoil is gone.

Side note: I think it should be able to show the moves without refreshing, when I watch a review I also don’t have to refresh the page all the time. :thinking:

Thanks! I still attach tin foil at the bottom of the pieces but now it’s a lot smaller than the pieces. It is essentially a keypad matrix. Every location on the go board is connected to the corresponding column and row wires based on its coordinates on the board. Arudino loops through all the row/column combination to send signal from one end to the other, in my case the direction is from row wire pins to column wire pins, and detect any closed switch. The switches are simply two conductive wires exposed on the board. The go pieces themselves are conductive as well. This is how the board and Arduino knows when someone places a stone.

If someone is clicking the demo board actively as they play the screen automatically refresh, but I think it’s different if it were a program that issue a new move to the demo board. I’d be very interested to know how I can get the auto refresh to work pro grammatically if you know how or someone who knows how to get that to work.

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