Changes to the seek graph (scatterplot on play page)

I’ve never accepted a challenge directly from the seek graph, not because it’s unintuitive but because as far as I can see, it’s not possible to get all the information about a challenge from the seek graph.

So, when I’ve found an interesting challenge in the seek graph, I still have to search for it in the list, to find all its information.

So since it was most likely the first time I’ve accepted a game with the seek graph, unless it’s rengo, there is a popup with game details after clicking the check button that you can read whatever those usual details are and then accept (again).

I mostly use automatch and the ladder to be honest :slight_smile:

Edit: this kind of thing


Agreed, I’ll add this to my list of things to change.

I do this as well, but would prefer not to. As far as I can tell, the only information available in the game list that doesn’t appear in the “Accept” dialog from the seek graph is the ruleset. Does this track with your experience?

While you’re here, still curious if you find it as unintuitive with the added legend.


I don’t know. If I go to , all the colour disappears.

Soooooooo I just figured out that when I went to the beta server, it logged me out of my account. Yes, in hindsight it sounds logical, but I didn’t notice. So that’s why the seek graph was empty: because I wasn’t logged in.

And I can’t log in. On the beta server if I enter my usual username and password, I get the “Incorrect username or password” message.


Beta is a different user system (think of it as another website altogether). If you want to log in, you’ll have to make a new account!


Regarding whether this has a place on OGS or not, I like having it there even though I don’t use it for finding games, because it’s a nice visual indication of how active things are.

Sadly, this was somewhat messed up by the huge list of rengo challenges that flooded it.

I think it’d be good if corredspondence rengo matches are grey or somehow dimmer on this graph.

In contrast, I think some folk would really welcome a bright star on the graph when a live rengo challenge appears…

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I added a new Rengo filter for exactly that reason. You can hide them all by unchecking it.

Has there ever been one? :sweat_smile: