(Correspondence) What algorithm does OGS follow when choosing which game to play next?

This is an old thread, but I’m new here and this seems the most relevant place to post. I am not a programmer either or I would try to implement a pull request myself, but this would be a great QOL improvement for us that like to have multiple correspondence games active.

I would be curious to know if the low averages Anoek mentioned above for correspondence players still holds true, or if there might now be any more incentive to get this feature implemented for us plebs that are unable to make the addition ourself?

IMHO this would greatly benifit correspondence players, and has potential with further implementation to be valuable to live players as well.

As an added note, I play almost exclusively on mobile, so browser workarounds are almost useless. I know that this example is a single case, but I would assume that mobile players have gone up steadily considering the mobile technology advances that have taken place in the years since the last posting.

Pic worth a thousand words