Does the learn to play go section need more explanations?

Both are already linked in go resources under:

  • Interactive Tutorial for Beginners
  • A Go Guide From a Beginner

Yes, but the list of go resources is so long that a beginner won’t notice which ones are appropriate. It would be better to make a separate short paragraph that lists resources for beginners.

By the way, for French speakers:

  • : règles, cours et exercices pour débutants.
  • FulguroGo : vidéos expliquant les notions fondamentales. On trouvera également sur cette chaîne des bases avancées, des parties de pros, des commentaires de parties de niveau kyu et dan,…
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I had the will to offer as many possible choices as possible, some may prefer a more extensive approach like offered by River Mountain Go 1 (30k-20k) or a more cultural (CJK) Falling in love with Baduk… There are even more interesting input for a full beginner there.

The topic i linked has good panorama but lacks
of links. Links are in “go resources”.

Maybe we should rewrite a “for full beginner only” list of resources.

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I think this website (also mentioned above) is very helpful for a larger tutorial.

It’s hard to really explain the game, but let me try to provide a simple gist.

The object of the game is to control more of the board than your opponent. You play by taking turns placing stones on the board. Once placed, the stones do not move. However, they could be later removed (captured), if they are completely surrounded by the opponent. Stones can wind up in a position where they are not yet captured, but in position where they cannot avoid being captured, and hence are considered “dead”.

A core aspect of strategy is to place groups of stones into “living” formations that securely surround territory, in a way that prevents the opponent from capturing those stones or invading to create their own living groups within. Since these formations are created one stone at a time, much of the play tends to involve sketching out which areas one is trying to claim or threatening to take away from the opponent. Some moves might also aim to undermine the opponent by aiming to capture their stones, and some moves might be defensive aiming to secure one’s own groups from being captured. To achieve the objective of controlling more of the board, one must essentially try to securely surround as much territory as possible. Good strategic play requires finding the correct balance between ambition and safety.


The mechanic [how to play] of the game is supra simple, a bit hard to find a game with more simple one (no movement, capture, same pieces).

But the goal [how to win] is quite not obvious. You can use an image like let’s share the cake. Still when you want to see how it works, you need to use concepts, and a bit of strategy/tactics already.

Note that this is pretty unusual as most board games at reverse have a easy goal (like mat the king) but much more complex mechanism (movement, capture, different pieces for ex)

Another tutorial (rules only!)

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Caution about the crazy-sensei link: it is written

For this tutorial, we will use the simplest rule: the winner is the player with the highest number of stones on the board.

This is not exactly the same as the usual rules.


The fact is this rule is not integrated in OGS.

Still a high value ruleset for the first steps in go in my opinion, you can practice on your own and then move to other rules.


I love it, but in my opinion any beginner reading this will think you are coming from another planet.