Dwyrin is testing the AI / Suggestion for improvement

I’m not very good and just as with other programs it shows variations that won’t help me. I feel like being showed where the big scoring jumps are and what the win percentage is would be beneficial. And a nudge at most this area here seems important or this shape point. The following variations are just confusing for me. And probably most players at my level

Don’t worry, Leela’s suggestions can be confusing for higher dans as well. :slight_smile:


When I review my games on Leela what I look for is:

  • the win rate chart, that shows where big mistakes were done
  • the best moves it would have played instead of those big mistakes

Variations can be very confusing, at least on Leela 11 (which is the only AI I know) because they are always changing. I rarely look at them.


Yeah the "why did you not play hear shouting and the “huh, neat” the variations are insane at times

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