Etiquette - winning by tedium

The question of what are “stalling moves” or “time-stealing tesuji” will always be with the Go community, because the answer usually depends on context and rank.

Different federations and servers have different views on the matter. It was heavily discussed in The Heartbroken Go Player last month.

Kaniuk’s referee exercises provide a related example as well:

One way of resigning is to clearly place two stones together inside your opponent’s territory. Sometimes one wishes that one’s opponent would resign, because the situation is clearly hopeless. Some think that you can signal in this case by placing a stone at the 1-1 point inside your own territory. Two shodans had got into this state, but both thought they were well ahead. Black placed a stone at the 1-1 point. White took this as a resignation, stood up and shook Black’s hand. They cleared the stones away, and they each separately reported a win by resignation to the Draw Master