#53 (June 1981) – Letters, pg. 21
Leiden, 5th May 1981
Being a member of the British Go Association, I feel the moral obligation to reluctantly admit the rediscovery last Friday of of the oldest mentioninghe of the game of go in ye Englif linguadge, barring possibly existent translations of Ricci and Trigault. Launched by the diligent studies of Theo van Ees, that eminent, distinguished and nevertheless renowned scholar, I was able to dig us the work of Samuel Purchas (Purchasius from our country as Hyde has it) in the introductory paragraph before the chapter on go which position may be the cause that Sam was never mentioned again by Falkner, Bell, Murray, Boorman nor Palkinghorne – able to malignantly snatch away the work of Purchas from sight before the tremendous efforts of Theo, in the Leiden Universiteits Bibliotheek.
Don’t thank us, don’t even make us honorary Overseas members, just do us the return favour of discovering a more honorable 17th century Dutch quote than the 1665 goof.
Sincerely, Jaap Blom
The quote in question, from Samuel Purchas’ 1617 ‘Relations of the world and their religions observed in al ages and places discouered…’ reads as follows:
“They have another play which makes the skilful therein well esteemed, though he can do nothing else, with two hundred men, some white, some black, on a table of three hundred divisions. This is used by the Magistrates.”
The Hyde mentioned is Thomas Hyde, author of the 1694 two-volume Latin work De Ludis Orientalibus Libri Duo (“Two Books on Oriental Games”).
The full title of Purchas’ book, as printed, is
PVRCHAS his PILGRIMAGE. OR RELATIONS OF THE WORLD AND ITS RELIGIONS OBSERVED IN ALL AGES AND Places difcouered, from the CREATION unto this PRESENT. IN FOVRE PARTS. THIS FIRST CONTAINETH A THEOLOGICALL AND Geographical Hiftorie of ASIA, AFRICA, and AMERICA, with the Ilands Adiacent. Declaring the Ancient Religions before the FLOVD, the Heathnifh, Jewifh, and Saracenicall in all Ages fince, in thofe parts profeffed, with their feueral Opinions, Idols, Oracles, Temples, Priefts, Fafts, Feafts, Sacrifices, and Rites Religious : Their beginnings, Proceedings, Alterations, Sects, Orders, and Succeffions. With briefe Defcriptions of the Countries, Nations, States, Difcoueries, Priuate and Publike Cuftomes, and the ??? Remarkable Rarities of Nature, of Humane Induftrie ??? the fame.
Wikipedia gives an even earlier publication date of 1614.