Feature request: Unlink "Disable Analysis" and "Plan Conditional Moves"

I sort of understand this sentiment. You want it to be in your mind only.

To achieve this with a non-visual way, you also need to remove any form of error message. Because if the entry of a non-visual move entry turns out to be an illegal move, such as a immediate ko / recapture, orr not being able to play the suicide move that you thought would capture a group, then OGS would normally give an error message. That also gives you information that your sequence doesn’t work out.

Second, I’m not sure if even only using coordinates does the trick. Because even if it is less visual, seeing the letters “G4 > H4 > G3” on the screen, is still visual information.

So I wonder if it is even possible to be truly mind-only.

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i really like this solution!! i can’t find it right now, but i think i’ve mentioned before that it might be cool for a premove feature to exist, more similar to in chess - where rather than playing out both your moves and your opponent’s moves, you only pick your own next moves, unconditional on your opponent’s followups. in online chess, this makes for interesting situations where you can sometimes trick your opponent by playing a worse move than your opponent expected you to play.

it’s interesting in Go as well, but i’m not sure that it always works quite as well as it does in chess. maybe the set-in-stone conditional moves feature would be a good compromise

I think in chess it also depends on your opponent’s moves? For example, if you are assuming that the opponent will take a piece and place another piece there, it won’t activate if your opponent didn’t take the piece.

hmmm maybe it varies from site to site. i’ve only ever seen it done on youtube videos using chess.com.

i double-checked on their site and it turns out they also support conditional moves, which seem to be identical to our conditional moves system on OGS:

Conditional moves allow you to pre-program specific future moves that will be automatically played if your opponent makes a predicted mov e. They function similarly to pre-moves in Live Chess, but with a crucial difference: while pre-moves are played regardless of your opponent’s response, conditional moves are executed only if your opponent makes the exact move you anticipated.


For captures that’s true, but if the move is legal it will play no matter what opp does

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