Fractional Multicolour Go

I would also prefer a team-based game, to be honest. I’m having a lot of fun with the team-aspect of the detective Go game


No worries everybody. If you prefer a team game, you know, we can also do that! I’m open for any way to try out this variant :grin:

For four players perhaps it could look like this:


… where P1, P2, P3, P4 is the move order. Teams are opposite to each other in the move order, so (P1, P3), (P2, P4). At the end of the game the teams receive points for the shared color, in this case there is team red and team blue.

And if more than four people would join a team game, I can surely come up with a setup for that, too. :slightly_smiling_face:


So, with a team game, should each team be allowed to have private discussion among themselves? Or should it be like Rengo, but with public discussion allowed?

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I’d like no private shenanigans. :slight_smile:


Here is my suggestion for the first game (please speak up if you want a change of settings):

Participants: @Vsotvep, @yebellz, @Here_We_Go, @martin3141

2 Teams competing for points on a 9x9 board.

We use the following turn order / shared colours schema:

picture from above


… where the teams are (P1 + P3) and (P2 + P4). The turn order (and with it the teams) will be decided at random. Afterwards we agree on which colours to use and share.

At the end of the game, the teams gain points equal to the area score of their shared colour. The second team will additionally gain 6 points komi (no idea if this is adequate, it’s an experiment afterall).

All players may communicate about the game in the public game thread, but are asked not to discuss the game privately.

What do you think of this @Vsotvep, @yebellz, @Here_We_Go ?


Sounds good to me!

Now, colors! How about Red, Green, Blue, Yellow (hotkeys 3-6) from @Vsotvep’s tool?
Or maybe we keep the “team” colors as Black and White and use Red/Blue for the cross-team colors?

Also, maybe the overlapping color graphics could be adjusted a bit for this game? Basically, get rid of the transparency and don’t shrink the stones.


Sounds good to me!

Yes, I was thinking that as well. I don’t have time now to change this, but later, sure.


Let’s go!


Alright, let’s see. There are 24 possible move orders between the four of us, so … @discobot roll d24

boring description

1 … 6 → Vsotvep takes seat P1
7 … 12 → Vsotvep takes seat P2
13 … 18 → Vsotvep takes seat P3
19 … 24 → Vsotvep takes seat P4

Let Y be the rest of the d24 after division by 6.
1, 2 → yebellz takes the first of the remaining seats
3, 4 → yebellz takes the second of the remaining seats
5, 0 → yebellz takes the third of the remaining seats

Let Z be the rest when dividing Y by 2.
1 → Here_We_Go takes the first remaining seat
0 → Here_We_Go takes the second remaining seat

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Well that didn’t work :confused: No problem, I used to generate it:


And the play order is:
1.) martin3141
2.) yebellz
3.) Here_We_Go
4.) Vsotvep

Time to choose colours :slightly_smiling_face: Here_We_Go, what colour do you want our team to be?
Let’s choose from the palette of Vsotveps great tool, which I would like to use to generate board images.


@discobot roll 1d24

Probably needs the number of dice and no spaces.


:game_die: 5

@discobot make me a sandwich.

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@discobot sudo make me a sandwich.


What is the best sandwich?

I feel like we’re getting off-topic here :sweat_smile:

Let’s decide on colours and start the game, shall we? :grin:

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@yebellz we are going to share a colour. Do you have a preference? I’m happy with any colour :slightly_smiling_face:

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Could I have red and white? Maybe white could be my team color, since we’re playing second, and hence I would share red with @martin3141. Black could be the other team color, to keep the objective more familiar, and blue could be the other secondary color. Whoops. I think I just chose for everyone…


Heh, well given that nobody else responded, let’s do it like that!

I don’t have time right now, but I’ll create the game thread as soon as I do.

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